Success Stories & Outcomes
Supporting our agency means directly supporting the families in your community! We have been privileged to partner with many families in their process of healing and change. Due to your generous support we can see great progress, change lives, and help children and families thrive! Check out just a few of the many stories below to know the impact you are making by supporting our agency.
Jane’s Story
“Jane” was referred to the agency’s Juvenile Mentoring program. Jane was a 10th grader that struggled with her self-worth and was having trouble in school. Unfortunately, Jane was shuffled around to various family members because living with her mother and the complications of her mother’s mental health issues made her home environment too unsafe. At this point Jane was willing to give up on life, thinking no one wanted her. Jane saw no future for herself. Jane was in the 10th grade and on the verge of dropping out. Eventually Jane was able to settle down and find stability living with her Aunt. Her aunt was willing to assist her with finding her self-worth and encouraging her to finish school. Jane was enrolled into the program and assigned a mentor. Between Jane’s aunt and the mentor, Jane was able to discover that she mattered, and that people did care about her. There were discussions of the importance of a high school diploma and how important life is and how education can help her fulfill her dreams. Together the mentor and Jane’s Aunt helped to rebuild Jane’s self-worth, helped her to see the potential, and help her feel loved and safe. Currently 2 years later, Jane Doe has applied to several different colleges and recently received a scholarship to a 4-year university in North Carolina. She is currently attending online school due to the pandemic and is studying to become a veterinarian at Fayetteville State University. The Juvenile Mentoring Program Salutes Jane on her accomplishments!
Parenting Classes
94% of parents and children improved their parenting and life skills by attending our parenting classes!

Intensive Family Preservation
97% of families improved family functioning and avoided an out-of-home placement after services. 100% of families maintained stability and safety 6-12 months after services ended.
Parent Aide Services
88% of families in the program improved their parenting skills, increased safety, increased healthy decisions, and increased support systems.

Adolescent Parenting Programs
85% of teens enrolled into programs graduated from high school and 92% avoided a second pregnancy prior to graduation.
Stacey’s Story
“Stacey” was a single mother of 4 young children that was helped through our Intensive Family Preservation program. We received a referral in March for a single mother with 4 young children. She was challenged parenting her young children because 3 of the children were under the age of 5. Stacey was having a hard time keeping up with their needs and making sure they were supervised and safe. Stacey previously struggled with substance use issues due to coping with her feelings about her trauma history and the abuse she incurred. She struggled coping with parenting, providing stability for her children, maintaining her sobriety, and trying to help her children stay focused while doing on-line schooling. The IFPS Specialist through case management and individual therapy was able to find and help connect Stacey again to substance therapy supports. Through Triple P materials and other parenting tips Stacey was able to put in place routines, learn creative discipline skills, and help to increase supervision and structure in the home. Home schooling became easier due to the structure in the home. In counseling, Stacey began to address the root history of her trauma and learn more appropriate ways to cope with the pain without turning to substances to block it out. In addition, the program helped Stacey to find a more appropriate and safe home for the children and Stacey.
“Tom” was a single deaf father with a nine-year-old son that successfully graduated our Parent Aide program. Tom was raising his son alone due to the biological mom being incarcerated for life. Prior to entering prison, the mom had sole custody, so this was a big transition for father and son. Specifically, the father needed help with juggling full time parenting alongside of his disability and his son’s disability who also was hearing impaired. The father also needed help coping with his son’s sadness over the mom’s absence, his frustration over learning sign language, and his anxiety over establishing the relationship with his father. The agency with the help of interpreters and creative communication was able to assist the family. The Parent Aide worker was able to help the client become adjusted to his new full time parenting role. The Parent Aide worker explored what it meant to be a dad, parenting a child with a disability, and understanding nine-year-old boy development. The father worked hard to learn parenting tips, creative discipline, establish routines, improve communication, and ultimately increase and improve his attachment with his son. and how to handle both roles when the other parent was not involved. The worker and Tom worked on his own emotional support systems and improved his overall mental health. The family appreciated the support and told the Parent Aide that without the help of the program the transition would have more stressful and less hopeful. After seven months of service the family was able to be closed out successfully.

Parent Aide Program
The Parent Aide program successfully worked with a married couple that adopted a two-year-old child. The family was referred to get assistance with how to parent their new child due to behavioral issues in the transition of the young toddler. The couple started their parenting journey later in life and wanted help with understanding their son’s developmental stage, learn more parenting skills, and feel more comfortable in their new role. The young toddler was in his “terrible twos” stage and struggling with the new transition and the mom especially felt intimidated by his tantrums. The mom, Susan, struggled with parenting partially due to her own traumatic childhood, and her desire not to repeat the mistakes of her own parents. The Parent Aide worker provided Triple P Positive Parenting Program materials to increase the couple’s parenting skills, teach them about creative discipline, and help them understand their son’s development. The worker also taught the parents the difference between healthy nurturing parenting and abusive parenting, so they felt comfortable not repeating the past. Susan and her husband developed better routines and behavior consequences to help deal with tantrums, impulsive behavior, and emotional outbursts. The couple was connected to community resources including therapeutic referrals to address coping skills and deal with past histories of trauma. By the end of services their son was adjusted to his new home, a solid attachment was forming, the parents reported feeling more confident and comfortable with their role, and Susan was getting the therapeutic help she wanted. The success of the family was largely due to their desire to work hard at making the changes and growth necessary to help their son.
Alamance County
(336) 229-2908 or
(336) 570-6532
After-hours call:
(336) 570-6777
Orange County
After-hours call:
(919) 732-8181
Person County
(919) 599-8361
After-hours call:
(336) 597-0500
Caswell County
(919) 694-4141
Guilford County
(336) 641-3447
High Point:
(336) 641-3000
After hours: 1-800-378-5315
Randolph County
(336) 683-8000
After hours:
(336) 683-8200
Chatham County
(919) 542-6355
After hours:
(919) 542-2911
200 North Main Street Graham, NC 27253
We proudly support the people and the families of Alamance, Orange, Chatham, Caswell, Person, Guilford, and Randolph counties.